LFG 的大规模 AVAX 和 BNB 交易震荡加密货币市场
Luna Foundation Guard 的重大代币转让引发关注。AVAX 和 BNB 在转移后陷入困境。LFG 通过托管解决方案计划优先考虑基金的安全性和透明度。

Luna Foundation Guard 的重大代币转让引发关注。AVAX 和 BNB 在转移后陷入困境。LFG 通过托管解决方案计划优先考虑基金的安全性和透明度。
分析师 Kaleo 根据市场分析预测,Theta Network、TraderJoe 和 BNB/BTC 将大涨。虽然他的预测提供了潜在收益,但投资者应谨慎对待,并进行全面研究。
在宣布与 Chainlink 和 ANZ 集团合作后,AVAX 显著飙升 9%。此次合作旨在提高代币化资产在雪崩区块链和以太坊区块链上的互操作性和结算效率。澳新银行利用 Avalanche 的常青子网进一步凸显了传统金融机构对创新区块链解决方案的探索。尽管AVAX的表现令人印象深刻,但60美元附近的潜在阻力表明接下来可能会有一段巩固期,在其上升势头中强调谨慎的前景。
雪崩区块链出现宕机,一个多小时内没有新区块出现。开发人员迅速做出反应,对问题进行了调查。AVAX 代币价格下跌了 2.1%,但与其他替代币相比仍相对坚挺。
这种基于雪崩技术的铭文代币目前市值已超过 4300 万美元,每枚铸币的价格超过 2 美元。
一位加密货币交易员通过交易 Coq Inu ($COQ),将 454 美元变成了 219 万美元的财富,Coq Inu 是一种基于雪崩(Avalanche)的漫画式加密货币。在短短一周内,价格飙升了 170% 以上。
Chainalysis is facing a $650 million defamation lawsuit for allegedly misclassifying a crypto project as a major scam in its 2023 Crypto Crime Report. Despite multiple dismissal attempts, Exceptional Media and YieldNodes challenge the claims. Chainalysis argues that the plaintiffs haven’t proven YieldNodes isn’t a scam. If the case proceeds, it could set a precedent for transparency in blockchain surveillance.
在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。
Radiant Capital, a DeFi lending platform, was hit by a cyberattack, losing over $50 million in USDC, WBNB, and ETH on BSC and Arbitrum. Hackers took control of its Pool Provider contract, redirecting ownership to a malicious contract. Radiant has halted lending and urged users to revoke smart contract permissions.
Google has begun rolling out Android 15, introducing new security features like Theft Detection Lock and Remote Lock, which help users secure their devices against theft. However, a promised Mobile Network Security feature is missing, leaving users disappointed, while enhancements like satellite messaging and predictive back gestures improve overall usability.
Fracture Labs has sued Jump Trading, accusing it of running a "pump and dump" scheme with DIO tokens, allegedly manipulating the token's price for profit during FractureLabs' fundraising.
Web3 projects are increasingly integrating Telegram into their user engagement strategies, as seen with the success of games like Hamster Kombat attracting over 300 million users. Robby Yung, CEO of Animoca Brands, predicts that having a Telegram strategy will become essential for onboarding users and expanding reach in the Web3 ecosystem.
Canary Capital Group向美国证监会提交莱特币现货ETF申请,莱特币价格迅速上涨逾7%。同时,香港胜利证券宣布允许投资者使用USDT认购基金,稳定币恢复了美元锚定。
Siam Commercial Bank has introduced Thailand's first stablecoin remittance solution, enabling 24/7 cross-border payments with enhanced security and efficiency. This initiative sets a new standard for financial transactions in the region.