稳定币结算的美元 早已远超VISA

Visa, a global leader in digital payments, has unveiled the Visa Tokenized Asset Platform (VTAP), marking a significant milestone in the evolution of digital payments and blockchain technology. VTAP is set to enable financial institutions to issue and manage fiat-backed tokens on blockchain networks, bridging the gap between traditional fiat currencies and the emerging blockchain ecosystem. This innovative platform will play a crucial role in helping banks bring their services into the digital era by allowing them to experiment and integrate blockchain technology seamlessly into their operations.
昨天,Visa 发表了一篇关于自动化区块链支付的思想领袖文章,其中数字货币保存在自我保管的钱包中。
Visa 表示,StarkNet 是建立在以太坊之上的第 2 层区块链,可能有助于弥合加密货币与现实世界之间的鸿沟。
随着 2022 年卡塔尔世界杯的临近,Visa 与 Crypto.com 合作推出了新的足球 NFT 系列。
Strike 宣布筹款 8000 万美元,以帮助其将支付技术扩展到更大的机构。
Visa Creator Program 是 Visa 针对数字创作者经济开展的一系列举措中的最新举措。