
Gold prices are projected to climb to new record highs in the coming year, according to industry experts surveyed at the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) annual conference. Delegates at the event, which took place in Miami, forecast that gold will rise to $2,917.40 an ounce by late October 2025, representing a 10% increase from current levels. The figure is based on an average of predictions gathered from traders, refiners, and miners over two days at the LBMA gathering, which remains one of the most closely watched events in the bullion industry.
硅谷投资者Tim Draper在Bloomberg采访中重申了对比特币的信心,仍坚持认为比特币2025年将达25万美元。
Valkyrie 预计美国证券交易委员会(SEC)将批准比特币 ETF,市场正翘首以盼潜在资金的涌入。尽管面临挑战和费用战,Valkyrie 仍致力于其 ETF 的长期成功,这反映了比特币的持久诱惑力。
Coinbase的哈桑-艾哈迈德(Hassan Ahmed)预测,随着美国批准现货比特币ETF,比特币需求和投资将大幅增长。
目前,比特币价格为 27100 美元,与 2021 年的峰值 69000 美元相比,下跌了 60%。
Marathon 透露,该矿业公司在 5 月份的比特币产量比预期低 47%。 ...