North Korean Hackers and the FBI’s $10 Million Bounty: Global Bitcoin Extortion Tied to Kim Jong-un
FBI offers $10M for arrest of North Korean hacker behind major cyberattacks and ransomware schemes.

FBI offers $10M for arrest of North Korean hacker behind major cyberattacks and ransomware schemes.
The North Korean regime has struck again. This time committing major cyber hacks in broad-daylight, swooping off a sum of 230 million dollars from India's biggest crypto platform WazirX. But of course, the North Korean government committed the crime themselves, but hid behind the hacker group Lazarus, who had previously committed many other crimes.
首尔高等法院第五刑事庭在主审法官 Seo Seung-ryeol 的指导下,就前董事长李正勋高达 1,100 亿韩元的欺诈指控进行了上诉听证。检方敦促重新考虑初审判决,要求判处与初审判决相同的 8 年监禁。
据新火科技称,这笔款项将在必要时用于清偿因 FTX 破产而产生的客户负债和资产。
Celsius 首席执行官 Alex Mashinsky 上周也辞职了。
美国参议院已经确认提名 Allison Lee 的继任者 Jaime Lizárraga 在 SEC 工作,任期到 2027 年结束。