Gemini Dumps Canada For The Crypto Friendly Singapore
Gemini recently secured preliminary approval from Singapore’s central bank, MAS, to offer some of its services in the country.
XingChiGemini recently secured preliminary approval from Singapore’s central bank, MAS, to offer some of its services in the country.
XingChiCAFC warns of rising crypto scams in Canada, notably romance and investment scams, with $309.4 million lost in 2023. Citizens are urged to be vigilant and report fraud. Canada plans to adopt the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) by 2026 to boost transparency.
Huang BoCoinbase 加拿大公司的扩张增强了数字经济的可及性,并解决了监管和市场挑战。
Kikyo这使得德国商业银行成为首家获得此类许可的全方位服务的德国银行。有了这张许可证,德国商业银行就可以为加密资产提供托管服务,并将其服务扩展到 "更多的数字资产服务"。
Aaron世行注意到市场兴趣的可能性,但同时强调,双面支付市场的巨大障碍对 CBDC 的效用至关重要。
Snake2023 年的政府预算表明 OSFI 将与联邦监管的金融机构就公开披露其加密资产敞口的指导方针进行磋商。
Others全球客户在访问币安 P2P 加密货币市场上的资金时都面临着问题。
BeincryptoFTX 此前收购了一家澳大利亚公司以绕过金融服务牌照流程。