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经过三年多的闲置,与Plus Token庞氏骗局相关的加密货币钱包已经转移了20亿美元的ETH,这可能会对市场造成巨大冲击。
大量的以太坊鲸鱼活动和即将推出的现货以太坊 ETF 表明以太坊的未来看涨。监管审批过程虽然缓慢,但已接近完成,预计机构投资的涌入可能会推动以太坊价格大幅上涨。
美国 5 月份消费者价格指数(CPI)数据显示,通胀率保持在 0.3%,超出市场预期。不过,按年率计算,则从前一个月的 3.4% 降至 3.3%。这一降温趋势引发了市场的乐观情绪。
富爸爸穷爸爸》的作者罗伯特-清崎(Robert Kiyosaki)预测,由于他对美国领导层的不信任,比特币将在 2024 年 8 月底达到 35 万美元。这个预测会不会像他之前的一些猜测一样一泻千里呢?
以太坊 "鲸鱼 "获利 7600 万美元,在现货以太坊 ETF 的预期中恢复积累。机构行动表明对以太坊的信心不断增强。
美国证券交易委员会主席 Gary Gensler 预测以太坊 ETF 审批进展缓慢。对加密货币交易所做法的担忧可能会影响 S-1 批准程序。预计监管审查将增加,可能导致延误。
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)批准了现货以太币 ETF,这是出于监管的实用主义,而非政治压力。这一出人意料的举动必将提振以太币的价格,尽管资金流量可能低于比特币 ETF。
Alex Svanevik, CEO of blockchain firm Nansen, had his Singapore permanent residency application rejected despite raising $88 million and creating jobs, sparking debate about the country's immigration policies. The rejection has raised concerns about whether Singapore's strict PR criteria might be driving away global talent, especially in the tech and crypto sectors.
2024 财年美国财政赤字达到 1.833 万亿美元,创历史第三高。随着国债利息成本飙升至 1.133 万亿美元,传统金融系统面临前所未有的压力。此背景下,区块链技术和去中心化金融(DeFi)被视为解决国家债务困境的潜在途径。
South Korea's youth are increasingly defaulting on loans, particularly those linked to neobanks like K Bank, which has a default rate of 4.05% among customers under 30. Experts believe these defaults are tied to failed cryptocurrency investments, prompting calls for stricter loan screening to protect young borrowers from financial distress.
近期,半導體巨頭 Intel 與 AMD 聯手組建 x86 聯盟,這一動作引發市場熱議。業內分析認為,該聯盟旨在應對 Arm 架構處理器對 x86 市場的衝擊,但背後也可能意在削弱 NVIDIA 在 AI 領域的影響力。對此,NVIDIA 執行長黃仁勳表態,對該聯盟表示認可,認為此舉將有助於維持 x86 架構的穩定發展。
Taiwan is reconsidering its nuclear energy policy to meet the rising electricity demand driven by the booming semiconductor industry and AI applications. With projected electricity needs soaring from 240,000 kilowatts in 2023 to 2.24 million kilowatts by 2028, the government is exploring all viable energy sources, including nuclear power. to soar significantly in the coming years. executives Nicolas Cary and Al Turnbull are facing legal trouble for failing to submit the company's financial accounts for 2022, with court proceedings starting in September 2024. The company attributes the delays to restructuring and workforce cuts, but their inability to meet filing deadlines has raised concerns about operational transparency and investor confidence.
德国上市的比特币矿业公司 Northern Data 昨日(21日)宣布,正在考虑出售其传统加密货币挖矿业务 Peak Mining,计划将出售所得资金全数投入人工智能(AI)领域,进一步加速 AI 技术的发展。
Alcon Entertainment is suing Tesla and Warner Bros. for using AI-generated visuals resembling scenes from "Blade Runner 2049" without permission during Tesla's Cybercab launch. Alcon had denied Tesla's request to use the film's images and claims the unauthorised use has harmed their brand and future projects.
比特币昨日触及 69,546 美元高点后回落,盘中最低跌至 66,500 美元,令部分投资者出局。以太坊跌幅更大,回到 2,640 美元的关键盘整区。市场在短期内面临健康调整或是深度回调,仍有待观察。