Is 4-Day Work Week the Modern Solution to Productivity and Well-being?
Is a 4-day work week a feasible solution for both employers and employees, or is it simply a utopian dream?

Is a 4-day work week a feasible solution for both employers and employees, or is it simply a utopian dream?
Amazon bids their remote work policy goodbye, as employees are expected to return to office five days a week starting from the beginning of 2025.
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Genesis Trading 和 Digital Currency Group (DCG) 是否会破产的问题目前笼罩着加密货币和比特币市场。
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在今年迄今为止最大的区块链活动的第一天,CZ、Nicolas Cary、Ken Timsit和许多其他重要人物登台演讲。
该活动包括 CZ、Brad Garlinghouse 和 Paolo Ardoino 就加密监管、SEC 诉讼和采用数字资产的欧洲国家等主题发表的评论。
2022 年第一季度迄今为止最大的风险投资交易之一是位于迈阿密的 Yuga Labs,其 4.5 亿美元的种子融资由 Andreessen Horowitz 领投。