U.S. Senate Passes Anti-Deepfake Law Targeting Non-Consensual Content
Under the act, victims will be able to take action against “digital forgeries” using their likeness for the proliferation of sexual content.
Cheng YuanUnder the act, victims will be able to take action against “digital forgeries” using their likeness for the proliferation of sexual content.
Cheng YuanGoogle's enhanced measures against deepfakes aim to protect individuals from unauthorised exploitation and ensure the integrity of search results. However, the ongoing evolution of this technology presents continual challenges that require vigilant updates and ethical standards.
WenJunX 社交媒体平台对泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的深度伪造丑闻做出回应,暂时禁止搜索,凸显了对深度伪造技术和人工智能快速发展的担忧。打击人工智能的斗争给社交媒体带来了挑战,强调了采取积极措施解决道德难题并在规范人工智能影响方面保持领先的必要性。
Hui Xin泰勒-斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的才华似乎无穷无尽,她展示了用流利的普通话交谈的能力。实际上,这个 deepfake 视频是人工智能的杰作。
BitcoinistDeepfakes 比比皆是!加密诈骗者制作了埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 TED 演讲的深度伪造视频,以诱骗不知情的社交媒体用户。