加文·纽瑟姆否决了 SB 1048,称“虽然出发点是好的”,但它可能会对加州新兴的人工智能公司施加不必要的限制。

加文·纽瑟姆否决了 SB 1048,称“虽然出发点是好的”,但它可能会对加州新兴的人工智能公司施加不必要的限制。
California is progressing toward regulating AI with Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), designed to manage the development and deployment of advanced AI technology within the state.
Elon Musk supports California's SB 1047 AI Safety Bill, requiring strict safety tests for AI developers. Industry leaders oppose it, while Vitalik Buterin views it as part of broader regulatory efforts.
Known for its meteoric rise and contentious reputation, BLAST has sparked intense debate within the crypto community. While it has quickly become the fastest-growing blockchain of all time, it has also faced significant scrutiny.
SushiSwap 的治理方案备受争议,被指控存在操纵行为,这让人对该平台的未来发展方向产生了疑问。
据以色列情报来源称,在加沙冲突期间使用了一个名为 "薰衣草 "的系统。
FTX 的新破产计划建议在破产日对数字资产进行估值,这可能会对债权人不利。
在哈马斯武装分子和以色列国防军之间的冲突持续不断之后,俄罗斯黑客组织 Killnet 将目光投向了以色列的各种组织。