
OKX 的新 TMA 游戏 OKX Racer 提供了一种有趣且引人入胜的方式来预测比特币价格走势,旨在提高 Telegram 小应用平台上的社区参与度。
随着比特币 ETF 大量活动的支撑,对德国比特币销售的担忧减弱,比特币反弹至 59,000 美元上方。
FTX 提议的还款可能会向市场注入 160 亿美元,被视为推动比特币和其他加密货币创下新高的关键因素。然而,持续的市场波动和监管考虑仍然存在不确定性。
因Mt. Gox赔偿和德国比特币的抛售引发了比特币大幅下跌,在市场动荡中“德国政府”钱包再次转移1000枚BTC。
Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, was detained in France amid allegations that Telegram facilitated illegal activities. His arrest has sparked controversy and support from the crypto community, reflecting concerns over digital privacy and free speech.
Kennedy Jr. announced the suspension of the November US presidential campaign, and the winning rate of Trump and Harris appeared to be 50%-50%.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest by French authorities has triggered protests, including DDoS attacks allegedly by Russian hackers on government websites. The French President's denial of political motives behind the detention has only fuelled further criticism.
Pavel Durov's arrest caused a sharp drop in Toncoin's value and shook investor confidence in Telegram's blockchain projects. Meanwhile, a trader made a 400% profit by capitalising on the buzz around the DOGS token within the Telegram ecosystem.
Yang Bin, former Forbes-ranked second-richest man in China, was sentenced to six years in prison in Singapore on 26 August for running a crypto Ponzi scheme that caused over $5 million in losses.
Russia is set to begin trials on 1 September 2024, to test cryptocurrency exchanges and digital token payments using its National Payment Card System. This initiative follows recent legislation legalising crypto mining and aims to address payment difficulties exacerbated by international sanctions.
Viggle AI, which turns static images into animated videos, just secured $19 million in Series A funding led by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) and Two Small Fish. The funds will drive its growth and innovation, while the company's use of YouTube data has sparked legal concerns.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that Facebook faced pressure from the Biden administration to censor COVID-19 content during the pandemic—a decision he now regrets. His admission has prompted varied reactions on X, highlighting a sense of missed opportunities.
Gold surpassed $2,500 to reach a new all-time high, but it is still not close to the adjusted price that gold traded at in 1980. The safe-haven market is facing an innovation, and Bitcoin is no longer considered such an asset.
Pixelverse is launching the "Black Puma" NFT collection on the TON blockchain, featuring unique bot avatars with special skills and rewards. Early adopters and those completing tasks in the Pixelverse Dashboard and PixelTap have a higher chance of obtaining rare Black Puma bots.