According to Odaily, OpenAI has announced a new feature for its ChatGPT mobile application, allowing users to share their phone screens and real-time video in the app's advanced voice mode. This development, revealed on Thursday, aims to enhance user interaction by eliminating the need to upload photos or describe surroundings during conversations.
The introduction of this feature marks a significant step in improving the user experience within the ChatGPT mobile app. By enabling screen sharing and real-time video, OpenAI provides users with a more seamless and interactive way to communicate. This functionality is particularly beneficial for those who rely on visual aids to convey information or context during their interactions.
OpenAI's decision to integrate this feature reflects its commitment to enhancing the capabilities of its AI-driven applications. As users increasingly seek more intuitive and efficient ways to interact with technology, the ability to share screens and live video directly within the app addresses a growing demand for more dynamic communication tools. This update is expected to attract a wider audience to the ChatGPT mobile app, as it offers a more comprehensive and versatile user experience.