According to PANews, there is a misconception that criticism of web3 AI implies a preference for web2 AI. The focus on AI and Crypto does not mean favoring one over the other. The author has been contemplating the innovation and narrative evolution of web3 AI since the beginning, aiming to address development issues and make necessary adjustments.
The author acknowledges that while they have some understanding of web2 innovations, they lack a comprehensive view and refrain from making absolute judgments. It is observed that web2 AI has been steadily advancing in talent, innovation, and practicality, aligning with market expectations for AI development. There is a desire for web3 AI to find a unique path without competing directly with web2 teams, focusing on web3-specific narratives and technological implementation.
Despite high hopes, web3 AI projects have often failed to meet expectations, with mainstream project token prices nearing zero and both new and old believers leaving the space. The frustration stems from the inability to innovate technically and the reluctance to engage in web3-specific narrative promotion.
The author emphasizes that the mission of AI is not to revolutionize human technology but to provide opportunities for both AI and Crypto. The true significance of AI + Crypto lies in revitalizing old narratives that were overly speculative, using AI as a new catalyst for productivity.
Both new web2 developers entering the AI space and existing web3 developers seeking innovation should aim to leverage web3's tokenomics, decentralization, and resource advantages for native narrative innovation. Web3 proponents must acknowledge that web2 AI agents have gained prominence due to their monopoly and scalability, offering users a leap in innovation experience that web3 AI agents cannot match.
However, web3 should focus on areas where web2 is reluctant to venture, such as distributed trust frameworks, incentive network design, and on-chain communication components beyond agent computation layers. These are the areas where web3 can exert its strengths and where future AI development will inevitably intersect, highlighting web3 AI's unique advantages.