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About BTC

Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency launched in 2010. BTC has a current supply of 19.84M with 19.84M in circulation. The last known price of BTC is 86,827.41 USD and is -982.036582456015 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on active market(s) with $25.45Bn traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://bitcoin.org/.

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BTC Price Statistics
BTC’s Price Today
24h Price Change
24h Volume
24h Low / 24h High
$30,162.68 / $30,437.56
Volume / Market Cap
Market Dominance
Market Rank
BTC Market Cap
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Market Cap
BTC Price History
7d Low / 7d High
$29,966.39 / $31,582.25
All-Time High
$68,789.63Nov 10, 2021
All-Time Low
$0.04864654Jul 15, 2010
BTC Supply
Circulating Supply
Total Supply
Max Supply
Updated Mar 27, 2025 8:56 pm
Mkt Cap $1,722.89Bn
There's nothing here for now
Andre Cronje comments on the new trading mechanism: The theory of closing positions when the market reverses is actually difficult to implement
Andre Cronje comments on the new trading mechanism: The theory of closing positions when the market reverses is actually difficult to implement
In response to a new trading mechanism emerging in the crypto industry, Andre Cronje posted on the X platform that there is a new infrastructure that is currently gaining a lot of attention and is being integrated into a protocol that he believes is very low-risk, but according to his (possibly incorrect) understanding, this new protocol is very high-risk. He discussed in detail the components of the mechanism, including the characteristics of perpetual contracts, such as trading without holding the trading asset, the need for buyers and sellers to pay a "funding rate", etc., and the mechanism of using stETH as margin/collateral, trying to achieve "neutrality" by opening relative positions, while obtaining the benefits of stETH returns and funding rates. Cronje said he is not a trader and admitted that this is not his area of ​​expertise, but he tried to compare these financial instruments with the most basic financial concepts he knows - collateral and debt, and pointed out that the position will eventually need to be closed or face the risk of liquidation. He raised a question that the theory that "positions will be closed when the market reverses" is a bit like the so-called "buy when BTC goes up and sell when it goes down", which sounds reasonable but is almost impossible to achieve in practice. So while everything is going great right now (because the market is positive and short funding rates are positive (because everyone is happy to be long), eventually things will change, funding will go negative, margin/collateral will get liquidated, and you will have an unbacked asset.
Apr 03, 2024 2:37 pm
팬텀 창시자, 에테나 USDe 수익 모델에 의문 제기
팬텀 창시자, 에테나 USDe 수익 모델에 의문 제기
안드레 크로녜(Andre Cronje) 팬텀(FTM) 창시자가 자신의 X(구 트위터)를 통해 최근 거버넌스 토큰을 출시한 스테이블코인 프로토콜 에테나(ENA)의 작동 방식에 의문을 제기했다. 이와 관련 그는 "프로젝트 명을 언급하진 않겠지만, 최근 새롭게 등장한 스테이블코인의 수익 모델의 리스크 벡터가 어떻게 완화될 수 있는지 이해하기 어렵다. 해당 프로토콜은 무기한 선물 계약 및 펀딩비율을 활용해 공매수, 공매도의 균형을 맞춰 중립 포지션을 오픈, 디파이 자체 수익률과 펀딩비율로 지급되는 모든 수익을 챙길 수 있다고 설명한다. 하지만 개인적인 경험상 결국 한 쪽의 포지션을 청산해야 하는 상황이 생기고, 이 경우 중립은 무너진다. 위와 같은 수익 모델은 '오르기 전 BTC를 사고, 하락하기 전 매도하라'는 밈과 비슷하다. 당연하게 들리지만 실제로는 거의 불가능하다. 마치 테라USD(구 UST, 현 USTC)가 10억 달러 규모의 BTC 펀드로 뒷받침됐을 때와도 상황이 유사하다. '안 될 때까지는 효과가 있다'는 다수의 여론이 형성되고 있다. 나의 의문이 어디가 잘못됐고 무엇을 놓치고 있는지 커뮤니티의 지혜를 구하고 싶다"고 설명했다. 또 그는 "테라-루나가 출시됐을 때 나는 메커니즘을 이해할 수 없었고, UST가 실패할 것이라고 확신했다. 하지만 개인적으로 매우 똑똑하다고 생각하는 사람들이 테라-루나는 실패하지 않는다고 목소리를 높였고, 결국 나는 '내가 틀렸다'라는 확신에 이르기까지 했다. 또 FTX 붕괴 전 사람들이 '출금해야 할까요?' 묻는 질문에 나는 '출금해야 한다. 왜 굳이 위험을 감수하느냐'였다. 그때도 FTX 붕괴가 올 줄은 몰랐다. 따라서 이번에도 어떤 상황이 닥칠지 나는 알 수가 없다"고 강조했다. 한편 안드레 크로녜는 해당 글에서 에테나를 특정해 지목하지 않았지만, 그가 설명한 '이해할 수 없는' 수익 모델로 커뮤니티는 에테나를 저격한 포스팅이라고 추정하고 있다.
Apr 03, 2024 2:31 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What Is Bitcoin (BTC)?

    Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency originally described in a 2008 whitepaper by a person, or group of people, using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. It was launched soon after, in January 2009.

    Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer online currency, meaning that all transactions happen directly between equal, independent network participants, without the need for any intermediary to permit or facilitate them. Bitcoin was created, according to Nakamoto’s own words, to allow “online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.”

    Some concepts for a similar type of a decentralized electronic currency precede BTC, but Bitcoin holds the distinction of being the first-ever cryptocurrency to come into actual use.

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  • Who Are the Founders of Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin’s original inventor is known under a pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. As of 2021, the true identity of the person — or organization — that is behind the alias remains unknown.

    On October 31, 2008, Nakamoto published Bitcoin’s whitepaper, which described in detail how a peer-to-peer, online currency could be implemented. They proposed to use a decentralized ledger of transactions packaged in batches (called “blocks”) and secured by cryptographic algorithms — the whole system would later be dubbed “blockchain.”

    Just two months later, on January 3, 2009, Nakamoto mined the first block on the Bitcoin network, known as the genesis block, thus launching the world’s first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin price was $0 when first introduced, and most Bitcoins were obtained via mining, which only required moderately powerful devices (e.g. PCs) and mining software. The first known Bitcoin commercial transaction occurred on May 22, 2010, when programmer Laszlo Hanyecz traded 10,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas. At Bitcoin price today in mid-September 2021, those pizzas would be worth an astonishing $478 million. This event is now known as “Bitcoin Pizza Day.” In July 2010, Bitcoin first started trading, with the Bitcoin price ranging from $0.0008 to $0.08 at that time.

    However, while Nakamoto was the original inventor of Bitcoin, as well as the author of its very first implementation, he handed the network alert key and control of the code repository to Gavin Andresen, who later became lead developer at the Bitcoin Foundation. Over the years a large number of people have contributed to improving the cryptocurrency’s software by patching vulnerabilities and adding new features.

    Bitcoin’s source code repository on GitHub lists more than 750 contributors, with some of the key ones being Wladimir J. van der Laan, Marco Falke, Pieter Wuille, Gavin Andresen, Jonas Schnelli and others.

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  • What Makes Bitcoin Unique?

    Bitcoin’s most unique advantage comes from the fact that it was the very first cryptocurrency to appear on the market.

    It has managed to create a global community and give birth to an entirely new industry of millions of enthusiasts who create, invest in, trade and use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in their everyday lives. The emergence of the first cryptocurrency has created a conceptual and technological basis that subsequently inspired the development of thousands of competing projects.

    The entire cryptocurrency market — now worth more than $2 trillion — is based on the idea realized by Bitcoin: money that can be sent and received by anyone, anywhere in the world without reliance on trusted intermediaries, such as banks and financial services companies.

    Thanks to its pioneering nature, BTC remains at the top of this energetic market after over a decade of existence. Even after Bitcoin has lost its undisputed dominance, it remains the largest cryptocurrency, with a market capitalization that surpassed the $1 trillion mark in 2021, after Bitcoin price hit an all-time high of $64,863.10 on April 14, 2021. This is owing in large part to growing institutional interest in Bitcoin, and the ubiquitousness of platforms that provide use-cases for BTC: wallets, exchanges, payment services, online games and more.

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  • How Much Bitcoin Is in Circulation?

    Bitcoin’s total supply is limited by its software and will never exceed 21,000,000 coins. New coins are created during the process known as “mining”: as transactions are relayed across the network, they get picked up by miners and packaged into blocks, which are in turn protected by complex cryptographic calculations.

    As compensation for spending their computational resources, the miners receive rewards for every block that they successfully add to the blockchain. At the moment of Bitcoin’s launch, the reward was 50 bitcoins per block: this number gets halved with every 210,000 new blocks mined — which takes the network roughly four years. As of 2020, the block reward has been halved three times and comprises 6.25 bitcoins.

    Bitcoin has not been premined, meaning that no coins have been mined and/or distributed between the founders before it became available to the public. However, during the first few years of BTC’s existence, the competition between miners was relatively low, allowing the earliest network participants to accumulate significant amounts of coins via regular mining: Satoshi Nakamoto alone is believed to own over a million Bitcoin.

    Mining Bitcoins can be very profitable for miners, depending on the current hash rate and the price of Bitcoin. While the process of mining Bitcoins is complex, we discuss how long it takes to mine one Bitcoin on CoinMarketCap Alexandria — as we wrote above, mining Bitcoin is best understood as how long it takes to mine one block, as opposed to one Bitcoin. As of mid-September 2021, the Bitcoin mining reward is capped to 6.25 BTC after the 2020 halving, which is roughly $299,200 in Bitcoin price today.

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  • How Is the Bitcoin Network Secured?

    Bitcoin is secured with the SHA-256 algorithm, which belongs to the SHA-2 family of hashing algorithms, which is also used by its fork Bitcoin Cash (BCH), as well as several other cryptocurrencies.

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  • What Is Bitcoin’s Role as a Store of Value?

    Bitcoin is the first decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency. One of its most important functions is that it is used as a decentralized store of value. In other words, it provides for ownership rights as a physical asset or as a unit of account. However, the latter store-of-value function has been debated. Many crypto enthusiasts and economists believe that high-scale adoption of the top currency will lead us to a new modern financial world where transaction amounts will be denominated in smaller units.

    The smallest units of Bitcoin, 0.00000001 BTC, are called Satoshis (or Sats in short), in a nod to the pseudonymous creator. At Bitcoin price now, 1 Satoshi is equivalent to roughly $0.00048.

    The top crypto is considered a store of value, like gold, for many — rather than a currency. This idea of the first cryptocurrency as a store of value, instead of a payment method, means that many people buy the crypto and hold onto it long-term (or HODL) rather than spending it on items like you would typically spend a dollar — treating it as digital gold.

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  • How Is Bitcoin’s Technology Upgraded?

    A hard fork is a radical change to the protocol that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid, and therefore requires all users to upgrade. For example, if users A and B are disagreeing on whether an incoming transaction is valid, a hard fork could make the transaction valid to users A and B, but not to user C.

    A hard fork is a protocol upgrade that is not backward compatible. This means every node (computer connected to the Bitcoin network using a client that performs the task of validating and relaying transactions) needs to upgrade before the new blockchain with the hard fork activates and rejects any blocks or transactions from the old blockchain. The old blockchain will continue to exist and will continue to accept transactions, although it may be incompatible with other newer Bitcoin clients.

    A soft fork is a change to the Bitcoin protocol wherein only previously valid blocks/transactions are made invalid. Since old nodes will recognise the new blocks as valid, a soft fork is backward-compatible. This kind of fork requires only a majority of the miners upgrading to enforce the new rules.

    Some examples of prominent cryptocurrencies that have undergone hard forks are the following: Bitcoin’s hard fork that resulted in Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum’s hard fork that resulted in Ethereum Classic.

    Bitcoin Cash has been hard forked since its original forking, with the creation of Bitcoin SV. Read more about the difference between Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV here.

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  • What Is Taproot?

    Taproot is a soft fork that bundles together BIP 340, 341 and 342 and aims to improve the scalability, efficiency, and privacy of the blockchain by introducing several new features.

    The two major changes are the introduction of the Merkelized Abstract Syntax Tree (MAST) and Schnorr Signature. MAST introduces a condition allowing the sender and recipient of a transaction to sign off on its settlement together. Schnorr Signature allows users to aggregate several signatures into one for a single transaction. This results in multi-signature transactions looking the same as regular transactions or more complex ones. By introducing this new address type, users can also save on transaction fees, as even complex transactions look like simple, single-signature ones.

    Although HODLers will probably not notice a big impact, Taproot could become a key milestone to equipping the network with smart contract functionality. In particular, Schnorr Signatures would lay the foundation for more complex applications to be built on top of the existing blockchain, as users start switching to Taproot addresses primarily. If adopted by users, Taproot could, in the long run, result in the network developing its own DeFi ecosystem that rivals those on alternative blockchains like Ethereum.

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  • What Is the Lightning Network?

    The Lightning Network is an off-chain, layered payment protocol that operates bidirectional payment channels which allows instantaneous transfer with instant reconciliation. It enables private, high volume and trustless transactions between any two parties. The Lightning Network scales transaction capacity without incurring the costs associated with transactions and interventions on the underlying blockchain.

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  • Who Are the Largest Corporate Holders of Bitcoin?

    A few years ago, the idea that a publicly traded company might hold Bitcoin on its balance sheets seemed highly laughable. The flagship cryptocurrency was considered to be too volatile to be adopted by any serious business. Many top investors, including Warren Buffett, labeled the asset a “bubble waiting to pop.”

    This negative sentiment appears to have been broken, with a number of corporate behemoths buying up Bitcoin since 2020. In particular, business intelligence firm MicroStrategy set the pace after it bought $425 million worth of Bitcoin in August and September 2020. Since then, many others have followed suit, including EV manufacturer Tesla.

    MicroStrategy has by far the largest Bitcoin portfolio held by any publicly-traded company. The business analytics platform has adopted Bitcoin as its primary reserve asset, aggressively buying the cryptocurrency through 2021 and 2022. As of August 30, 2022, the company had 129,699 Bitcoin in its reserve, equivalent to just over $2.5 billion.

    Other top corporate holders include Marathon Digital Holdings, with 10,054 BTC, Coinbase (9,000), Square Inc. (8,027), and Hut 8 Mining Corp. (7,078).

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  • Is Bitcoin Political?

    Bitcoin is becoming more political by the day, particularly after El Salvador began accepting the currency as legal tender. The country's president, Nayib Bukele, announced and implemented the decision almost unilaterally, dismissing criticism from his citizens, the Bank of England, the IMF, Vitalik Buterin and many others. Since the Bitcoin legal tender law was passed in September 2021, Bukele has also announced plans to build Bitcoin City, a city fully based on mining Bitcoin with geothermal energy from volcanoes.

    Countries like Mexico, Russia and others have been rumored to be candidates also to accept Bitcoin as legal tender, but thus far, El Salvador stands alone.

    On the flip side, countries like China have moved to heavily clamp down on Bitcoin mining and trading activities. In May 2021, the Chinese government declared that all crypto-related transactions are illegal. This was followed by a heavy crackdown on Bitcoin mining operations, forcing many crypto-related businesses to flee to friendlier regions.

    Surprisingly, the anti-crypto stance of the Chinese government has done little to stop the industry. According to data by the University of Cambridge, China is now the second-biggest contributor to Bitcoin's global hash rate, only behind the United States.

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  • How Much Is Bitcoin?

    The current valuation of Bitcoin is constantly moving, all day every day. It is a truly global asset. From a start of under one cent per coin, BTC has risen in price by thousands of percent to the numbers you see above. The prices of all cryptocurrencies are quite volatile, meaning that anyone’s understanding of how much Bitcoin is will change by the minute. However, there are times when different countries and exchanges show different prices and understanding how much Bitcoin is will be a function of a person’s location.

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  • Where Can You Buy Bitcoin (BTC)?

    Bitcoin is, in many regards, almost synonymous with cryptocurrency, which means that you can buy Bitcoin on virtually every crypto exchange — both for fiat money and other cryptocurrencies. Some of the main markets where BTC trading is available are:

    If you are new to crypto, use CoinMarketCap’s own educational portal — Alexandria — to learn how to start buying Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

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  • What is the all-time high price of Bitcoin (BTC)?

    The all-time high of BTC was 68,789.63 USD on 2021-11-10, from which the coin is now down 0%. The all-time high price of Bitcoin (BTC) is 68,789.63. The current price of BTC is down 0% from its all-time high.

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  • How much Bitcoin (BTC) is there in circulation?

    As of , there is currently 19.84M BTC in circulation. BTC has a maximum supply of 21.00M.

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  • What is the market cap of Bitcoin (BTC)?

    The current market cap of BTC is 1,722.89Bn. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of BTC by its real-time market price of 86,827.41.

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  • What is the all-time low price of Bitcoin (BTC)?

    The all-time low of BTC was 0.04864654 , from which the coin is now up -100%. The all-time low price of Bitcoin (BTC) is 0.04864654. The current price of BTC is up -100% from its all-time low.

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  • Is Bitcoin (BTC) a good investment?

    Bitcoin (BTC) has a market capitalization of $1,722.89Bn and is ranked #1 on CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so be sure to do your own research (DYOR) and assess your risk tolerance. Additionally, analyze Bitcoin (BTC) price trends and patterns to find the best time to purchase BTC.

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