SBF lawyer: 50-year sentence belongs to "medieval" view of punishment
Lawyers for the former FTX CEO said: “It was unnecessary to crush Sam in this way.”

Lawyers for the former FTX CEO said: “It was unnecessary to crush Sam in this way.”
Golden Weekly is a weekly blockchain industry summary column launched by Golden Finance. The content covers key news of the week, mining information, project trends, technology progress and other industry trends.
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Sam Bankman-Fried's legal team seeks to introduce Anthropic investment evidence, countering the prosecution's claims of fraudulent funding in his trial
It looks like it’s the end of the world for SBF as he suffers a first-world problem we all can empathise with: no internet! His legal team has made a case for pre-trial release using that as a basis.
FTX前首席律师Daniel Friedberg已配合美国检方调查,向检察官讲述了他所知道的班克曼-弗里德利用客户资金资助FTX的情况。
周一(12月19日),FTX 创始人Sam Bankman-Fried早上出庭,但诉讼程序并未立即解决与他在当地的监护权有关的问题,以及可能被转移到美国以面临与加密货币交易所倒闭相关的刑事指控。上周末,知情人士表示,Sam Bankman-Fried同意引渡到美国,但警告说他的法律计划仍可能会发生变化。
周二(12月13日),美国检察官周二指控FTX创始人Sam Bankman-Fried犯有八项欺诈和共谋罪,这些指控包括欺骗加密货币交易所客户和他对冲基金的借贷方。纽约南区美国检察官办公室提起的起诉书指控他挪用FTX客户的存款,并用这些存款支付他的加密对冲基金Alameda Research的费用和债务。Sam Bankman-Fried还被控欺诈国家,并因与他人合谋提供非法政治捐款而违反竞选财务规则。