加拿大移民陷阱:加密货币或需缴纳离境税 如何避免

Blockchain sleuths uncover $100 million scam in Myanmar using Tether tokens, revealing a cyberpunk thriller-like deception centered around KK Park. Despite blockchain's transparency, Tether and Tron facilitate fraud, prompting calls for regulatory action and industry collaboration.
South Korean police warn of crypto scammers in chat app "reading rooms," deceiving investors with false promises, leading to an investigation and calls for vigilance against such fraudulent schemes.
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued a warning against deepfake videos circulating on social media, urging the public to be cautious of cryptocurrency investment scams. The Prime Minister clarified a deepfake video on Facebook, emphasizing the use of AI technology to manipulate his voice and image. He called on the public to ignore such videos and report false information. The Prime Minister also noted the escalating threat of deepfake videos, with recent reports indicating a 500% surge in such content within the country in 2023.
Jelajahi dunia regulasi dan penerimaan mata uang kripto yang terus berkembang di Amerika Utara, di mana Amerika Serikat dan Kanada menunjukkan pendekatan yang berbeda. Dari lanskap regulasi hingga tren investasi, temukan perspektif unik yang membentuk dua negara terkemuka ini.
Lonjakan global dalam penipuan kripto yang dilaporkan telah memicu pertanyaan tentang kemungkinan hubungan antara pertumbuhan pasar mata uang kripto dan eskalasi insiden penipuan.
Elon Musk terus menantang keandalan mata uang fiat sembari memperjuangkan mata uang kripto.
Aktor Rusia Artem Tkachenko terjerat dalam penipuan kripto yang menyedihkan, kehilangan lebih dari $250.000. Seperti kita semua, sepertinya para selebritas tidak kebal terhadap penipuan kripto.
一位领先的加密律师表示,拟议的新法规可能为加拿大银行发行稳定币和其他类型的加密资产铺平道路。本周加拿大银行业监管机构金融机构监管局(Office of The Superintendent of Financial Institutions)发布了一系列拟议法规,规定银行和保险公司应如何对待加密资产。
Perluasan aturan pendanaan terorisme termasuk menawarkan transaksi crypto kepada pengunjuk rasa dan memberi pemerintah kekuatan untuk membekukan rekening bank.