Arthur Hayes:积分化时代的崛起
JinseFinanceSolana (SOL) exceeds Ethereum (ETH) in daily DEX volume, signaling potential rally. Arthur Hayes optimistic amid NYCB crisis. SOL trades around $99.
EdmundHayes predicts an epic Solana (SOL) rally amid potential U.S. banking crisis, adding intrigue to crypto anticipation.
Xu Lin比特币近期暴跌的第一个原因是灰度比特币信托基金(GBTC)的资金外流,第二个是原因是比特币预计银行定期融资计划(BTFP)将不会更新。
JinseFinanceArthur Hayes warns of a potential 20-30% crypto market drop in March, citing U.S. financial risks and expiring Federal Reserve facilities.
BerniceArthur Hayes, one of the influential names in the cryptocurrency world, evaluated the impact of Bitcoin Spot ETFs in his statement.
ZoeyArthur Hayes shifts investment from Solana to Ethereum following a 'divine message'.
EdmundIn an intriguing legal development, Su Zhu successfully obtained a restraining order against Arthur Hayes. Either way, both have become figures of controversy within the crypto industry.
CatherineTerlepas dari kemungkinan segera menjalani hukuman penjara, secara proaktif mengakui tuduhan tersebut mengakibatkan Hayes dijatuhi hukuman enam bulan tahanan rumah dan dua tahun masa percobaan.
CointelegraphArtikel ini akan mengeksplorasi beberapa kategori luas stablecoin yang didukung blockchain, termasuk stablecoin yang didukung fiat, cryptocurrency-overcollateralized, algoritmik, dan bitcoin.