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2024 U.S. presidential race sees crypto policy in focus as Harris and Trump court 40M industry users.
Kamala Harris enlists David Plouffe, ex-Binance advisor, amid attempts to win over the crypto industry.
Elon Musk's controversial comments on U.S. immigration policies and his support for Trump spark debate and international concerns.
Kamala Harris leads in most national polls but lags behind Donald Trump in the crypto community. Trump's strong crypto support contrasts with Harris' cautious approach, highlighting differing strategies as the 2024 election approaches.
Vice President Kamala Harris appeared to be the strongest Democratic opponent to Donald Trump. In breaking news, President Joe Biden has announced that he is stepping down from the presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his stead.
Sources indicate that Biden's campaign team is in discussions to accept cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce.
CEO Coinbase Brian Armstrong akan bertemu dengan Demokrat DPR dari Koalisi Demokrat Baru untuk membahas undang-undang aset digital dan masalah terkait. Sesi tertutup datang ketika Coinbase menghadapi tuntutan hukum dari SEC dan mencari panduan peraturan yang lebih jelas tentang pertukaran crypto.
Meskipun para pemimpin komite DPR Republik menerbitkan rancangan undang-undang dan berbicara tentang kemajuan, itu belum pada tingkat bipartisan yang diperlukan untuk undang-undang akhirnya, kata anggota parlemen dalam sidang hari Rabu.
Elon Musk menuduh bahwa SBF telah menyumbangkan lebih dari $1 miliar kepada Demokrat dan bertanya ke mana perginya uang itu.