
Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) sees sharp outflow decline after announcing mini Bitcoin ETF, instilling investor confidence.
比特币价格上涨的直接原因是资金流入美国上市的现货比特币 ETF,但边际需求最终反映出投资者对比特币资产的兴趣,认为它是一种替代性的“价值储存”和去中心化计算网络。
GBTC 与其他比特币 ETF 不同,因为它在成为 ETF 之前就已经作为比特币投资基金存在。
灰度研究的分析表明,传统的平衡投资组合可以通过适度配置加密货币(大约占金融资产总额的 5%)来实现更高的风险调整回报。
Grayscale's recent portfolio adjustments reflect its commitment to adapt to market dynamics. While some tokens were added, others were strategically removed, showcasing the company's proactive investment strategy.
Grayscale reshuffles its crypto portfolio, removing Polygon for new entries like XRP and Avalanche, influencing market dynamics.
Bagian Tiga: 3AC, Grayscale, Genesis, dan DCG
Grayscale menolak memberikan bukti cadangan untuk Bitcoin-nya dengan alasan risiko keamanan.
Setelah mengurangi kepemilikan LTC dan BCH, dana GDLC Grayscale sekarang termasuk Solana dan Uniswap, masing-masing menyumbang 3,24% dan 1,06%.