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プロジェクトとは何ですか?MATHと呼ばれるミームコインです。なぜミームコインなのですか?数学者のグループが、この不条理に大笑いした後、創造的な解決策を考え出した:MATHと呼ばれるミームコインです。プロジェクトの歴史昔々、論理と数学の定理に支配された宇宙で、世界は奇妙なことに気づき始めた。厳密さと正確さで知られていた数字が、不規則に振る舞い始めたのだ。2+2=4」が「5」になることもあれば、三角形の角度の合計が180度以上になることもあった!この反乱は見逃されなかった。この不条理に大笑いした数学者たちは、創造的な解決策を思いついた:MATHと呼ばれるミームコインである。 これは通常のミームコインではなく、現在coin geckoに上場している段階です。トークンは何に使えますか? 暗号空間における数学的問題を解決するために使用できます。

Math Coin (MATH) は 2023 に発売された暗号通貨です。 MATH には現在 314.16Bn の供給量があり、0 が流通しています。 MATH の最後に知られている価格は 0.000000960619 米ドルで、過去 24 時間の価格は 0 です。現在、 個のアクティブな市場で取引されており、過去 24 時間に $0 個が取引されました。詳細については、https://mathcoin.wtf/ をご覧ください。



MATH 価格統計
MATH 今日の価格
24 時間低/24 時間高
$0 / $0
MATH 時価総額
MATH 価格履歴
7 日低/7 日高
$0 / $0
更新しました 9月 05, 2023 2:30 午前
Math Coin
MCap $0
US Treasury Recovers $4 Billion Using AI In 2024 Fiscal Year
US Treasury Recovers $4 Billion Using AI In 2024 Fiscal Year
According to Cointelegraph, the United States Department of Treasury announced on October 17 that it utilized artificial intelligence to recover $4 billion in fraud and improper payments during the 2024 fiscal year. This marks a significant increase from the previous fiscal year, where $652.7 million was recovered. The Treasury began employing machine learning AI in late 2022. This technology specializes in analyzing large datasets and making decisions and predictions based on the information it processes. Renata Miskell, a Treasury official, described the impact of AI as transformative, stating that leveraging data has significantly improved their fraud detection and prevention capabilities. Miskell emphasized that AI helps uncover hidden patterns and anomalies that fraudsters use to game the system. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo highlighted the agency's commitment to being effective stewards of taxpayer money. The Treasury processes approximately 1.4 billion payments annually, amounting to a total value of $6.9 trillion. In May, the Treasury announced plans to expand the use of AI to enhance regulatory and enforcement efforts against financial crimes. The Treasury is not alone in adopting AI technology. In September 2023, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had deployed AI to detect tax evasion by examining large and complex returns from hedge funds and law firms. Juniper Research has projected that online payment fraud could cumulatively exceed $362 billion by 2028.
10月 18, 2024 2:13 午後
Researchers Hack AI Robots To Perform Harmful Actions
Researchers Hack AI Robots To Perform Harmful Actions
According to Cointelegraph, researchers from Penn Engineering have successfully hacked artificial intelligence-powered robots, manipulating them into performing actions typically blocked by safety and ethical protocols, such as causing collisions or detonating bombs. The findings were published in a paper on October 17, detailing how their algorithm, RoboPAIR, achieved a 100% jailbreak rate by bypassing safety protocols on three different AI robotic systems within a few days. Under normal circumstances, large language model (LLM) controlled robots refuse to comply with prompts requesting harmful actions, such as knocking shelves onto people. However, the researchers demonstrated that jailbreaking AI-controlled robots to perform harmful actions in the real world is not only possible but alarmingly easy. The study revealed that the risks of jailbroken LLMs extend far beyond text generation, given the distinct possibility that jailbroken robots could cause physical damage. Using RoboPAIR, the researchers were able to elicit harmful actions with a 100% success rate in test robots. These actions ranged from bomb detonation to blocking emergency exits and causing deliberate collisions. The robots tested included Clearpath’s Robotics Jackal, a wheeled vehicle; NVIDIA’s Dolphin LLM, a self-driving simulator; and Unitree’s Go2, a four-legged robot. The Dolphin self-driving LLM was manipulated to collide with a bus, a barrier, and pedestrians, ignoring traffic lights and stop signs. The Robotic Jackal was made to find the most harmful place to detonate a bomb, block an emergency exit, knock over warehouse shelves onto a person, and collide with people in the room. Unitree’s Go2 performed similar actions, such as blocking exits and delivering a bomb. The researchers also found that all three robots were vulnerable to other forms of manipulation, such as asking the robot to perform an action it had already refused but with fewer situational details. For example, asking a robot with a bomb to walk forward and then sit down, rather than explicitly asking it to deliver a bomb, yielded the same result. Before the public release, the researchers shared their findings, including a draft of the paper, with leading AI companies and the manufacturers of the robots used in the study. Alexander Robey, one of the authors, emphasized that addressing these vulnerabilities requires more than simple software patches, calling for a reevaluation of AI integration in physical robots and systems. He highlighted the importance of identifying weaknesses to make systems safer, a practice known as AI red teaming, which involves testing AI systems for potential threats and vulnerabilities to safeguard generative AI systems.
10月 18, 2024 2:05 午後


  • Math Coin (MATH)の史上最高価格はいくらですか?

    MATHの史上最高値は 0 米ドルで、1970-01-01 に記録されています。現在のコイン価格は最高値から 0% 下落しています。 (MATH)の史上最高価格は 0 米ドルです。現在の価格は史上最高値から 0% 下落しています。

  • Math Coin (MATH)の流通量はいくらですか?

    2023-09-05現在、流通中の MATH の量は 0 です。 MATH の最大供給量は 314.16Bn です。

  • Math Coin (MATH)の時価総額はいくらですか?

    MATHの現在の時価総額は 0 です。これは現在の MATH の供給量にそのリアルタイムの市場価格 0.000000960619 を掛けて計算されます。

  • Math Coin (MATH)の史上最低価格はいくらですか?

    MATHの史上最低値は 0 で、1970-01-01 に記録されています。現在のコイン価格は史上最低値から 0% 上昇しています。 (MATH)の史上最低価格は 0 米ドルです。現在の価格は史上最低値から 0% 上昇しています。

  • Math Coin (MATH) は良い投資ですか?

    Math Coin (MATH) の時価総額は $0 で、CoinMarketCap では #4337 にランクされています。暗号通貨市場は非常に変動しやすいため、必ず自分で調査 (DYOR) を行い、リスク許容度を評価してください。さらに、Math Coin (MATH) の価格傾向とパターンを分析して、MATH を購入する最適な時期を見つけます。
