Views on ENS, ORDI and other tokens
The relationship between ORDI and all the subsequent inscriptions, runes and other tokens is like the relationship between Bitcoin and the subsequent cryptocurrencies.

The relationship between ORDI and all the subsequent inscriptions, runes and other tokens is like the relationship between Bitcoin and the subsequent cryptocurrencies.
Are we going to enter a long bear market? Does Vitalik still have the idea of sharding? What is the prospect of ORDI? Is it still worth buying at the current price of around 50?
Why does ORDI stand out in the field of BRC-20 meme coins?
ORDI, about ORDI’s investment journey Golden Finance, ORDI hit a record high yesterday, reaching a maximum of 96 US dollars.
Recently I am paying attention to the new protocol Tiny SPL on Solana and the protocol’s first token $NUTS. The last time I felt such excitement was probably when I saw Ordi in April last year.
Regarding the fixed investment price and the purchase price, my basic standards for measurement are the same. I mainly use two indicators to measure it: what is the full circulation market value (FDV) of a target; and how much potential upside it has.
The crypto data platform plans to integrate new endpoints into its crypto data API by Q2 2024, covering various aspects of NFT data across major platforms.
While CoinMarketCap was acquired by Binance during post-2017 crypto winter, the current bear market is not the right time to sell CoinGecko, its COO said.
While investigations are underway, the ongoing attack on various crypto platforms may be connected to the compromise of Coinzilla, an advertising and marketing agency.