According to Bitget data on March 14, in terms of BTC contracts, the total BTC holdings were US$36.57 billion (+1.15%), the 24-hour trading volume was US$82.91 billion (-31.98%), and the 24-hour liquidation volume: long orders were US$33.83 million, The short order is US$37.04 million, the long/short ratio is: 50.71%/49.28%, and the funding rate: 0.0289%.
In terms of ETH contracts, the total ETH holdings are US$14.06 billion (+2.02%), the 24-hour trading volume is US$36.62 billion (-24.83%), and the 24-hour liquidation volume: long orders are US$25.95 million, short orders are US$37.04 million, long/ The short ratio is 49.95%/50.05%, and the funding rate is 0.0394%.
The top three tokens with the largest increase in contract holdings are AEVO: US$46.39 million (+739931.88%), RAY: US$499,500 (+312.27%), and MOBILE: US$2.59 million (+78.60%).