According to official news, the oracle project Pyth Network announced that it has voted and approved the first Price Feed Committee by the Pyth DAO. The committee consists of 7 members, as follows:
1. Robert: Head of Operations at ReactorFusion, Asia, 6 years of DeFi experience;
2. Antoine Bellanger: Senior DeFi engineer at SwissBorg, European region, 6 years of cryptocurrency experience;
3. Matt Losquadro: Synthetix core contributor, North America, 2 years of Synthetix experience;
4. Lawrence Samantha: CEO and co-founder of NOBI, Asia, 5 years of technology experience and 13 years of cryptocurrency experience;
5. Giulio Alessio: Head of Operations of Pyth Data Association, Europe, committed to assisting Pyth Network to achieve complete decentralization;
6. Nicholas Diakomihalis: Douro Labs senior integration expert, European region, will continue to provide new price publishers and online data for Pyth Network;
7. Harnaik Kalirai: Douro Labs Integration Lead, Europe, will continue to support the reliability and diversity of Pyth’s price sources, as well as expansion into other markets and asset classes.