According to PolkaWorld, the Coretime transaction on Kusama has begun, and the parachain time period has ended. With the passage and execution of Kusama referendum 373, the proposal will upgrade the Kusama relay chain runtime to v1.2.0 and bring Coretime features. Last Friday, the community passed Kusmaa referendum 375, allowing the Coretime chain to start Coretime sales. Currently, Kusama is in the renewal period (Renew Period), that is, the bulk core is being sold. Agile Coretime brings a more flexible and dynamic way to manage blockchain resources. With the launch of Agile Coretime sales, the resource allocation pattern on Kusama has changed. Parachain auctions have stopped, and existing parachains on the relay chain and future parachains will:
1. Existing parachain leases will be automatically migrated to bulk core time. Leases that have not yet started will be canceled, and locked KSM will be refunded.
2. Existing parachains can use the core time renewal function to continue to allocate bulk core time to their cores without going through the regular purchase process.