How long can the on-chain "elixir of life" DeSci survive?
Desci, How long can the "elixir of life" DeSci on the chain survive? Golden Finance, Speaking of the hottest track in the past two weeks, it must be DeSci.

Desci, How long can the "elixir of life" DeSci on the chain survive? Golden Finance, Speaking of the hottest track in the past two weeks, it must be DeSci.
"Be greedy when others are fearful." After yesterday, is it the right time to enter the market? Here are 6 suggestions from veteran investors.
Bitcoin price fell to new lows, but analysts expect BTC’s consolidation period to end within a month.
Crypto is not just about memes. There are many opportunities in infrastructure and applications waiting to be mined and explored. These are the real industry alphas.
Crypto market, when will this market downturn end? Golden Finance, the past few months have been difficult for cryptocurrencies.
If Facebook came into being after the completion of the Internet infrastructure in 1999, then with the continuous construction of the crypto world, the Facebook moment of Web3 is about to come.
Up to now, the People's Court case database has included 3,711 cases. Lawyer Liu Yang sorted out and summarized all cases on virtual digital currency by searching for keywords related to virtual currency.
At present, the cases selected in the case database of the People's Court tend to affirm the property attributes of virtual currencies, which is quite different from previous court rulings and may indicate a shift in the judgment of similar cases in the future.