Brazil's top regulator, the Securities and Futures Exchange (CVM), recently released a survey showing that more Brazilians now invest, trade or hold Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with investors spending 7% to 35% of their funds on these tokens. The study was conducted by the CVM in 2023 and surveyed more than 700 people on their investment behavior. Respondents were divided into three categories of investors: "conservative," "conservative," and "aggressive." Conservative investors put an average of 7.25% of their savings in cryptocurrencies, while conservative investors put 21% of their financial portfolio into crypto assets. Aggressive investors are the most optimistic, with crypto assets accounting for as much as 35% of their portfolios.
It is worth noting that about 50% of respondents consider themselves aggressive investors, which shows that Brazilian investors are enthusiastic about cryptocurrencies. In contrast, conservative investors have a more traditional portfolio, with more than 50% of CDBs and RDBs, two fixed-income securities, and they also prefer government bonds, while the choice of overseas currencies is relatively small. (Cryptonews)