According to PANews, cryptocurrency exchange XeggeX announced on the X platform that its CEO's account was hacked, resulting in the loss of access to their Telegram account and community group. The exchange emphasized that securing their wallet and ensuring the safety of funds was a priority. They have disconnected their database from the network, which has caused login issues, and are conducting a thorough review. More detailed information will be provided once available.
Two hours prior to XeggeX's announcement, crypto media outlet BlockTempo suggested that XeggeX might be facing a crisis, as several users reported being unable to log into the platform. Additionally, all tokens were reportedly delisted from the official website, raising market concerns. The market experienced a significant downturn yesterday, potentially leading to a surge in withdrawal requests and a liquidity crisis. If the platform fails to resume normal operations, it could indicate a potential exit scam.
As of now, PANews reports that the XeggeX website displays a message stating "We will be back soon," and has not yet returned to normal operations.