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How To Not Get Rugpulled In The NFT Scene Ft. Edmund Kua of Nansen

How To Not Get Rugpulled In The NFT Scene Ft. Edmund Kua of Nansen

Oct 09
We speak to Edmund Kua, Research Chapter Lead of Nansen, who shares with us about what Nansen does, the Ethereum Merge, and the role of NFTs. Find us on every social platform: Twitter - https://twitter.com/CoinliveHQ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@coinlive_com Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/coinlive_com/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CoinliveHQ/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/coin... Telegram - https://t.me/CoinliveHQ Timestamps: 0:00 Quickfire Questions 0:50 Could you explain more about what Nansen does and its position in the crypto trading ecosystem? 1:14 Why is wallet labelling so important? 1:35 Could you tell us more about what your role in the Nansen team? 1:50 What exciting projects is Nansen currently working on? 2:22 How is the company coping with the current crypto winter? 2:50 Nansen relies on the open-source project Ethereum ETL for data and conversion. Is there any particular reason why this was chosen? 3:08 Do you think the merge is likely to affect the validity of Ethereum ETL in any way? 3:35 For context, could you briefly explain what the Ethereum merge is and its significance for the future of blockchain technology? 4:15 How do you think the merge is likely to affect the way Nansen conducts its analysis on blockchain tech? 4:26 Could you briefly explain what L2 solutions are and how they may be affected by the merge? 5:08 Alan Chiu, the CEO and Founder of Boba Network, has recently said that L2s will become more efficient as Ethereum L1 does the same. Do you think this is true? 6:16 Nansen’s CEO Alex Svanevik also said that there might be a lot less usage of other blockchains post-merge, but that they may be able to find their own niches in the ecosystem then. Could you perhaps elaborate a bit more on this? 7:08 Could you briefly explain to us what NFTs are and what their role is in the crypto ecosystem? 7:51 Do you think that NFTs have the ability to onboard more people into web3 and the crypto space? 8:18 How do you think NFT founders are faring in the current bear market? Do you think they have changed or altered their strategies in any way? 9:45 What do you think of NFT projects going Creative Commons-Zero? 10:08 There have been many rug-pull NFT projects that have cost investors a lot of money. What would you say are the tell-tale signs to look out for to avoid such a situation? 10:50 Recently, there have been a lot of celebrities and even companies like Starbucks, who have come up with their own NFT collection. What are your thoughts on this? 11:14 Now that Ethereum is apparently much more environmentally-friendly, how do you think this will affect the NFT scene? 11:47 What are some of the use cases of NFTs that you think can help bridge it further into the mainstream? #Coinlive #Interview #Trader #Web3 #Blockchain #Bitcoin #BTC #Ethereum #ETH #Cardano #ADA #Solana #gamefi #web3gaming #digitalcurrency #DAOs #smartcontracts #nansen
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