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关于 LOL

LOLcoin 是一种革命性的 meme 代币,它将社交媒体、欢笑和加密货币奖励融为一体。LOLcoin 专为社交媒体爱好者设计,通过欢笑和有价值的加密货币奖励来奖励您的机智、幽默和参与。 LOLcoin 了解备忘录的力量及其通过幽默将人们联系在一起的能力。作为 LOLcoin 的持有者,您将成为由欣赏数字时代喜剧艺术的志同道合者组成的充满活力的社区的一员。无论您是创作有趣的备忘录、分享搞笑的内容,还是参与诙谐的戏谑,LOLcoin 都会表彰您的贡献,并对您的努力给予奖励。 有了 LOLcoin,您在社交媒体上的表现将成为赚取有价值的加密货币奖励的途径。您参与得越多,就能积累越多的 LOLcoin。想象一下,做自己喜欢的事情,让人们开怀大笑,就能获得报酬!通过在各种社交媒体平台上传播笑声和欢乐,您不仅可以娱乐他人,还可以获得 LOLcoin 奖励。 但 LOLcoin 不仅仅是奖励。它还能促进社交媒体爱好者之间的社区意识和友情。您可以与其他 meme 爱好者联系,分享您最喜爱的笑话,并参与各种挑战,展示您的喜剧天赋。LOLcoin 成为了一个欢笑的中心,一个弘扬创意和幽默的平台。 LOLcoin 的底层区块链技术确保交易安全透明,让您安心专注于您最擅长的领域--传播欢笑。LOLcoin 还利用智能合约功能,实现自动、无缝的奖励分配,确保您的贡献得到应有的回报。 加入 LOLcoin 革命,成为欢笑和加密奖励社区的一员。无论您是社交媒体影响者、备忘录创作者,还是单纯的喜剧爱好者,LOLcoin 都为您提供了一个将激情转化为奖励的独特机会。拥抱欢笑的力量,现在就使用 LOLcoin 赚取加密货币。

LOL coin (LOL) 是一种加密货币,于2023推出。 LOL 的当前供应量为 100,000.00Bn,其中 0 正在流通。 LOL 的最新已知价格为 0.000000001129 USD,过去 24 小时内的价格为 -0.00000000012。目前在 个活跃市场上进行交易,过去 24 小时内的交易量为 $610.09。更多信息可以在https://lolcoin.carrd.co/找到。



24h 交易量
24小时最低 / 24小时最高
$0 / $0
交易量 / 市值
7天最低 / 7天最高
$0 / $0
更新于 10月 18, 2024 11:41 中午
LOL coin
市值 $0
Radiant Capital Suffers $50 Million Loss Due To Security Breach
Radiant Capital Suffers $50 Million Loss Due To Security Breach
According to BlockBeats, on October 18, Radiant Capital announced via social media that it experienced a highly complex security breach on October 16, resulting in a loss of $50 million. The attackers used advanced malware to exploit multiple developers' hardware wallets. During the breach, the front end of Safe{Wallet} (also known as Gnosis Safe) displayed legitimate transaction data, while the compromised transactions were signed and executed in the background. This vulnerability occurred during a routine multi-signature adjustment process, which is regularly conducted to adapt to market conditions and utilization rates. DAO contributors strictly adhered to numerous industry-standard operating procedures throughout the process. Each transaction was simulated on Tenderly to ensure accuracy and was independently reviewed by multiple developers at each signing stage. During these reviews, no anomalies were detected in the front-end checks of Tenderly and Safe. External security teams have confirmed that this compromise was undetectable during the manual review of the Gnosis Safe UI and the routine transaction simulations on Tenderly. Radiant Capital stated that it has been working closely with Seal911 and Hypernative and has implemented stronger multi-signature controls. The FBI and zeroShadow are fully aware of the breach and are actively working to freeze all stolen assets. The DAO is deeply affected by this attack and will continue to collaborate with relevant agencies to identify the attackers and recover the stolen funds as soon as possible.
10月 18, 2024 11:35 中午
Crypto Voting Bloc Emerges As Key Factor In Upcoming US Elections
Crypto Voting Bloc Emerges As Key Factor In Upcoming US Elections
According to Cointelegraph, a recent survey by The Digital Chamber has revealed that around 26 million United States voters consider pro-crypto policies a significant factor in their voting decisions for the upcoming election. The survey, released on October 17, found that one in seven respondents, or 16% of the 1,004 surveyed, deemed crypto as 'extremely' or 'very' important in deciding their vote. These respondents were more likely to support candidates with pro-crypto stances. The survey included both Democrats and Republicans, with 25% of Democrats and 21% of Republicans indicating that a candidate's stance on crypto would positively influence their likelihood of voting for them. Perianne Boring, founder and CEO of The Digital Chamber, emphasized that the results should serve as a 'wake-up call for policymakers,' especially given the anticipated tight race for the White House. Boring noted that voters are seeking 'smart, balanced regulation that protects consumers without stifling innovation.' The survey also highlighted that two in five Black voters considered a candidate's crypto policies important, a proportion more than double that of white voters. Additionally, a majority of respondents from both major parties believed that supporting the crypto industry should be at least a medium-level priority for the new president and Congress. Over 60% of respondents from both parties thought crypto should be a medium to high-level priority for the new US government, with a third of Democrats and a quarter of Republicans considering it a 'high' or 'very high' priority. In contrast, a Pew Research report last month indicated that 81% of respondents viewed economic policy as the top issue influencing their vote, with healthcare and Supreme Court appointments following. The report did not highlight crypto as an election issue among the 9,720 respondents. The survey also revealed a division between party supporters on key issues. Among Republican candidate Donald Trump's supporters, the leading concerns were the economy (93%), immigration (82%), and violent crime (76%). Meanwhile, Democrat candidate Kamala Harris's supporters prioritized healthcare (76%), Supreme Court appointments (73%), and the economy (68%). The 2024 US elections are scheduled for November 5.
10月 18, 2024 11:24 上午


  • LOL coin (LOL)的历史最高价格是多少?

    (LOL)的历史最高价是 0 美元,记录于 1970-01-01,当前币价比最高点下跌了 0%。 (LOL)的历史最高价是 0 美元,当前币价比最高点下跌了 0%。

  • LOL coin (LOL)的流通量是多少?

    截至 2024-10-18,当前有 0 LOL 在流通。 LOL 的最大供应量是 100,000.00Bn。

  • LOL coin (LOL)的市值是多少?

    (LOL)的当前市值为 0。市值是通过将当前 LOL 的供应量乘以其实时市场价格 0.000000001129 计算得出的。

  • LOL coin (LOL)的历史最低价是多少?

    (LOL)的历史最低价为 0 ,记录于 1970-01-01,当前币价比最低点上涨了 0%。 (LOL)的历史最低价是 0 美元,当前币价比最低点上涨了 0%。

  • LOL coin (LOL) 是一项好的投资吗?

    LOL coin (LOL) 的市值为 $0,在 CoinMarketCap 上排名#6755。加密货币市场可能波动很大,因此请务必进行自己的研究 (DYOR) 并评估您的风险承受能力。此外,分析 LOL coin (LOL) 价格趋势和模式,以找到购买 LOL 的最佳时机。
