以太坊将在 2025 年卷土重来?

NFT 项目在 2024 年遭遇了无数挫折,但许多人仍然希望该资产类别能够卷土重来。
比特币突破 10 万美元大关的同时,许多山寨币的表现超越比特币,预示着山寨币季的到来。
这或许是最后一个属于 crypto 行业的「草莽」周期,也是最后一个 BTC 有巨大 beta 涨幅的 Mega 周期。
如果美国宣布购买 100 万比特币用于战略储备,比特币价格可能会更快达到每枚 100 万美元。
空投,项目,2025年的77个潜在空投 金色财经,2024年末的空投farming概况。
Gold prices are projected to climb to new record highs in the coming year, according to industry experts surveyed at the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) annual conference. Delegates at the event, which took place in Miami, forecast that gold will rise to $2,917.40 an ounce by late October 2025, representing a 10% increase from current levels. The figure is based on an average of predictions gathered from traders, refiners, and miners over two days at the LBMA gathering, which remains one of the most closely watched events in the bullion industry.