Craig Wright Files Appeal Against COPA Verdict in UK Courts
Craig Wright has filed an appeal against a UK court ruling, but controversy surrounds the timing of the submission and allegations regarding the use of AI in drafting the appeal.
![image Bernice](
Craig Wright has filed an appeal against a UK court ruling, but controversy surrounds the timing of the submission and allegations regarding the use of AI in drafting the appeal.
本文介绍了加密货币开放专利联盟(COPA)与克雷格-赖特(Craig Wright)之间的审判,讨论了围绕赖特声称自己是中本聪的争议。它强调了该审判对比特币开发和开源社区的重大影响。定于 2 月 5 日开始的审判被描绘成比特币叙事的关键时刻。
Ripple 首席技术官 David Schwartz 和自称为比特币发明家的 Craig Wright 在圣诞节前后在 Twitter 上首次发生冲突。
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