在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。

在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。
It is incredible that this may be the first time that people hope that the National Day holiday will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are eager to see the A-share market closed.
It's quite incredible. This may be the first time that people hope that the National Day will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are itching to watch the A-share market close.
在过去的几个月里,Huang 总共部署了 1761 美元ETH(相当于 289 万美元)和 52000 美元USDC,以获得 224 万个价值 294 万美元的 $APE 代币。
ETH 在过去一周上涨了 48%,将其大部分加密货币兄弟抛在后面——尽管鉴于宏观经济因素仍在发挥作用,未来几天仍充满风险。
纵观历史,不乏末日论者。在熊市中尤其如此。加密货币价格在 RSI 上超卖......
随着向 Web3 的竞争愈演愈烈,研究如何将 Polkadot 的生态系统和 Substrate 平台与以太坊即将进行的升级进行比较。