在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。

在美联储降息的背景下,全球市场资金流动性争夺战已经打响。HashKey Group首席分析师Jeffrey Ding表示,比特币有望冲击70,000至72,000美元的阻力区间,突破前高指日可待,或将开启新一轮上涨行情。
It is incredible that this may be the first time that people hope that the National Day holiday will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are eager to see the A-share market closed.
It's quite incredible. This may be the first time that people hope that the National Day will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are itching to watch the A-share market close.
以太坊即将进行的上海-卡佩拉升级的核心开发人员 Marius VanDerWijden 报告了在浙江测试网上发现的一个错误。
今天,谷歌云推出了其区块链节点引擎,这是一种从以太坊开始的托管服务。微软的 Azure 率先提供此类服务,AWS 于 2019 年推出了它的版本。
在为以太坊合并做准备的过程中,ETC 集团在周三发布了一个令人震惊的公告。