卡马拉·哈里斯称比特币为“犯罪分子的钱”的指控引发了争论,尽管缺乏证据。与此同时,非官方的 KAMA meme 币价值急剧上涨。

卡马拉·哈里斯称比特币为“犯罪分子的钱”的指控引发了争论,尽管缺乏证据。与此同时,非官方的 KAMA meme 币价值急剧上涨。
Allegations of Kamala Harris calling Bitcoin "criminals' money" have sparked debate, though evidence is lacking. Meanwhile, the unofficial KAMA meme coin has seen a dramatic rise in value.
Biden withdraws, backing Harris; Polymarket bets swing wildly, meme coins react dramatically.
Crypto traders are once again better at the very serious business of the Presidential election on very silly meme coins, including one for Vice President Kamala Harris that more than doubled in price after President Joe Biden announced his decision not to seek re-election.
Building on Bitcoin is a platform that expands the overall functionality and utility of the Bitcoin network. Currently, the Bitcoin network lack the infrastructure to process million of daily transactions efficiently. Bitcoin also does not have the same capabilities as Ethereal regarding deploying smart contracts and creating applications. Therefore, programs like this are pushing towards a future where bitcoin can adopt programmability and thrive as a productive asset on-chain.
人工智能,AI概念币叙事热门 有哪些币种值得关注? 金色财经,AI项目火热,其概念币也迎东风而上。
VC 币与 MeMe 币的二级市场价格特性,并不那么泾渭分明,他们之间不是有你无我的对立关系,反而是在不同的时间周期处于不同生命周期的标的经常性相互跳反。
Meme,加密市场,行情,MeMe 币真的在吞噬 VC 币吗? 金色财经,我们是来投资的,不是来赌博的。
以 Solana、XRP 和 Dogecoin 为首的另类币在未平仓合约中的占比已经超过了比特币,这标志着衍生品市场发生了重大转变。阿尔特币目前占市场未平仓合约的 41%,总额达 122.2 亿美元,而比特币的主导地位已降至 39%。尽管以太坊期货市场的资金有所增加,但也落后于比特币。交易量占 66% 的另类币市场正在重塑投资者的投资组合,展示了加密货币动态的范式转变。