揭秘加密市场操纵 分析价格拉升背后的隐藏力量
加密市场,揭秘加密市场操纵 分析刷单交易与价格拉升背后的隐藏力量 金色财经,市场还有很大的改进空间。

加密市场,揭秘加密市场操纵 分析刷单交易与价格拉升背后的隐藏力量 金色财经,市场还有很大的改进空间。
U.S. authorities have charged Gotbit and four other firms with market manipulation, involving wash trading and "pump and dump" schemes. Law enforcement seized $25 million in cryptocurrency amid the ongoing investigation.
Federal prosecutors have charged 18 individuals and firms, including Gotbit and ZM Quant, for manipulating cryptocurrency values, marking a significant step in combating fraud and enhancing regulatory scrutiny in the crypto market.
Federal authorities have indicted Gotbit, ZM Quant, CLS Global, and MyTrade for alleged crypto market manipulation and sham trading. Prosecutors claim the firms secretly offered services to inflate trading volumes, involving a network of companies and individuals now under investigation.
Avi Eisenberg 在 Mango Markets 1.1 亿美元被盗案中被判犯有欺诈和操纵市场罪。判决强调,需要对去中心化金融进行更严格的监管,以打击欺诈活动。
CFTC 不接受艾森伯格关于他对 Mango Markets 的攻击是合法行为的论点。
“矿工可提取价值”或 MEV 及其影响是行业公开的秘密之一。而银行...