About BITB
Bean Cash's mission is "to be an enduring digital currency, with high integrity, a store of value and a means of exchange for every day transactions -- that stands the test of time!"Bean Cash recognizes the original Bitcoin white paper as its guiding principle and is built on core bitcoin technology with inputs from Peercoin for the foundation of its proof-of-stake (PoS) feature.There was no fund-raising or pre-mine; the blockchain (then named BitBean) was launched on 13 February 2015. After a SHA256 proof-of-work phase, Bean Cash became a pure PoS currency; the block reward is fixed at 1000 Beans plus any transaction fees attached to the transactions included. This was the first instance of this version of PoS, which the Bean Cash community calls "Proof of Bean" (PoB). Bean Cash' target block time is one minute, with a maximum block size of 20MB. It is projected to reach its maximum supply of 50 billion beans in 2111.The team consists of volunteers from around the world who donate time and resources to the project. Team Bean is the greater Bean Cash community, consisting of anyone who has an interest in the technology. Anyone who can prove they hold 1% or more of the current outstanding Bean Cash may join Bean Core and have a vote in the direction Bean Cash development takes. The Executive Board consists of 3 Bean Core members who hold 5% or more of the current outstanding Bean Cash. They rule by consensus. If a vote is not unanimous, it does not pass. The Board may overrule suggestions coming from Bean Core or put forward its own suggestions. The Board can, likewise, be overruled by a 2/3 super-majority of Bean Core.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the all-time high price of Bean Cash (BITB)?
Read MoreThe all-time high of BITB was 0 USD on 1970-01-01, from which the coin is now down 0%. The all-time high price of Bean Cash (BITB) is 0. The current price of BITB is down 0% from its all-time high.
How much Bean Cash (BITB) is there in circulation?
Read MoreAs of
, there is currently 0 BITB in circulation. BITB has a maximum supply of 50.00Bn. What is the market cap of Bean Cash (BITB)?
Read MoreThe current market cap of BITB is 0. It is calculated by multiplying the current supply of BITB by its real-time market price of 0.000026137031.
What is the all-time low price of Bean Cash (BITB)?
Read MoreThe all-time low of BITB was 0
, from which the coin is now up 0%. The all-time low price of Bean Cash (BITB) is 0. The current price of BITB is up 0% from its all-time low. Is Bean Cash (BITB) a good investment?
Read MoreBean Cash (BITB) has a market capitalization of $0 and is ranked #9364 on CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency market can be highly volatile, so be sure to do your own research (DYOR) and assess your risk tolerance. Additionally, analyze Bean Cash (BITB) price trends and patterns to find the best time to purchase BITB.