CEX、DEX 套利剖析
本文着眼于 CEX/DEX 套利交易的机制,重点关注执行的 AMM 方面,旨在展示区块时间、区块基本费用以及参与这些交易的参与者之间的关系。

本文着眼于 CEX/DEX 套利交易的机制,重点关注执行的 AMM 方面,旨在展示区块时间、区块基本费用以及参与这些交易的参与者之间的关系。
市场预期Base chain有望承接Solana meme狂热的溢出资金,市场参与者寄托于通过押注Base chain DEX龙头项目Aerodrome来复刻Raydium的成功投资。一起透析Aerodrome内在价值。
Abu Dhabi-based Phoenix Group is set to acquire $187 million worth of new Bitcoin mining rigs from Bitmain Technologies, following a $380 million deal with WhatsMiner. The move aims to significantly boost Phoenix's Bitcoin hashing power, positioning the company as a major global crypto miner. The strategic expansion aligns with the recent approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) by the SEC, anticipating potential industry growth. Despite competition and profitability challenges in Bitcoin mining, Phoenix Group's aggressive approach underscores its commitment to staying competitive in the evolving sector.
Phoenix Group's strategic investments in cutting-edge mining technology, coupled with its market debut and oversubscribed IPO, solidify its presence as a formidable player in the global Bitcoin mining landscape. However, the lack of response to inquiries raises questions about transparency and communication practices within the company, warranting further scrutiny.
Phoenix Group PLC invests in Lyvely, marking a strategic move in Web3 and digital economy innovation.
Di tengah lonjakan minat terhadap mata uang kripto, debut Phoenix Group di Bursa Efek Abu Dhabi menandai momen penting dalam evolusi keuangan di kawasan ini.
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Peraturan akan datang, dan DEX perlu meningkatkannya untuk bertahan hidup, mengharuskan KYC untuk mengatasi badai peraturan yang akan datang.
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Blockchain Komputer Internet Yayasan Dfinity menyambut baik pertukaran terdesentralisasi pertamanya, Sonic.