SEC 将 BNB 二级销售标记为证券的提议被拒绝,专家认为这是“加密货币行业的胜利”
尽管对币安活动的调查仍在继续,但美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 将 BNB 二级销售归类为证券的尝试失败了。

尽管对币安活动的调查仍在继续,但美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 将 BNB 二级销售归类为证券的尝试失败了。
Binance 就 BSV 退市争议寻求驳回 100 亿英镑的诉讼,反对阻碍其潜在增长的说法。法律战可能会影响交易所和加密货币社区。
BNB 上涨 10%,至 695 美元,突破年内高点。分析师预计目标价位为 1000 美元,趋势看涨。监管宽松和强劲的交易指标支持大涨。
Binance 适应欧盟的稳定币法规,在 6 月底前限制未经授权的稳定币访问,影响欧洲经济区的各种服务和产品。
Luna Foundation Guard 的重大代币转让引发关注。AVAX 和 BNB 在转移后陷入困境。LFG 通过托管解决方案计划优先考虑基金的安全性和透明度。
佛罗里达法院以程序缺陷为由推翻 Binance 禁令。BNB 在大盘上涨趋势中飙升。
尽管赵长鹏被判入狱四个月,但他 330 亿美元的个人净资产(还将继续增长)使他成为美国历史上最富有的囚犯。
Binance 因违反反洗钱规定被加拿大金融监管机构罚款。华尔街日报》披露,Binance 发现做市商 DWF Labs 参与了市场操纵。
由于涉嫌操纵货币和洗钱,尼日利亚 EFCC 冻结了 1100 多个加密货币交易商的账户,这加剧了人们对加密货币监管的担忧。虽然尼日利亚中央银行否认了加密货币禁令,但 EFCC 的行动和监管的不确定性为尼日利亚加密货币的未来蒙上了一层阴影。
泰国证券交易委员会正在收紧针对无证加密平台的规定,这与菲律宾和印度等其他亚洲国家的类似行动相呼应,而 Binance 在整个地区都面临着监管挑战。
It is incredible that this may be the first time that people hope that the National Day holiday will pass quickly. The arrival of the National Day holiday has pressed the "pause button" on the recent rising market, and investors are eager to see the A-share market closed.
The latest trailer for HBO's documentary will reveal the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto this week. Its producer admitted to confronting the real person in person and believed that Satoshi Nakamoto is still alive. According to betting market data, the market currently speculates that the most likely candidate is Nick Szabo, which coincides with Musk's early theory.
There are reports that USDT, the world's largest dollar stablecoin, may be delisted from the European Coinbase exchange. Tether plans to develop new technical solutions for the European market to comply with the EU's MiCA regulations.
Elon Musk's X has returned to Brazil after paying a $5.5 million fine and complying with court orders on hate speech moderation, ending a standoff with Justice Alexandre de Moraes over far-right accounts and misinformation. Was it compliance or the hefty fine that led to its reinstatement?
Notcoin and DOGS will burn $4 million worth of NOT and DOGS tokens on 9 October following a community vote on unclaimed airdrop tokens. The burn aims to reduce supply and potentially boost token value, highlighting the communities' role in project decisions.
HBO’s documentary "Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery" explores the search for Bitcoin's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, focusing on Peter Todd as a potential candidate. While the film presents compelling arguments, many in the crypto community remain skeptical, emphasizing that the identity of Satoshi is less important now as Bitcoin has evolved beyond its creator.
Russia has blocked the instant messaging app Discord for violating its laws. In recent years, Russia has demanded that foreign platforms remove content deemed "illegal" and has imposed fines for non-compliance. Does this growing enforcement indicate a trend toward tighter control over digital communication? has filed a lawsuit against the SEC, claiming the agency has overstepped its authority in regulating the cryptocurrency industry after receiving a Wells notice. This legal action reflects wider frustration within the crypto sector, as many companies seek clarity on their legal status amid growing regulatory scrutiny.
With the launch of the early-access version of Off the Grid, a free-to-play battle royale with blockchain features, player are able to trade NFT-based in-game assets. Available on PlayStation 5 and the Epic Game Store, this marks a key step for crypto gaming on consoles. Has blockchain gaming come a long way?
OpenAI is opening a new office in Singapore by the end of 2024 to strengthen its presence in Asia and collaborate with local initiatives like AI Singapore. This expansion aims to support AI development across Southeast Asia while creating new job opportunities.